Imotouch touch kiosk in companies, organizations and exhibitions
Touch kiosk is a well-known and widely used product in this field due to its numerous capabilities in presenting and depicting maps and details of various departments of organizations, companies and exhibitions. Large-sized touch screens, which contain important company information and attractive and up-to-date digital content, bring a dynamic atmosphere to the corporate and corporate environment. Clients of these places provide more valuable and effective information to organizations and companies in the interaction and use of touch kiosks with more ease compared to direct interaction with human resources. Stand Touch has countless potential applications in the modern interiors of organizations and companies. The use of this technology increases the dynamism and improves the professional image of the company's brand with customers and audiences and strengthens their sense of trust. Compared to print content and banners, which require frequent reimbursement and time-consuming design and planning, Stand Touch is a cost-effective tool. Due to the short time of some exhibitions and conferences, it is possible to rent a touch stand for applicants.

Advantages and applications of imotouch touch kiosk in companies and exhibitions:
building plan, departments and contact information of different sections
present news, events, announcements and publications
company or exhibition Videos, photos and general information
polling and customer satisfaction survey
for specific customers to access specific data
Touch kiosk to display interactive and non-interactive advertisements of colleagues and other companies promotions